Friday, August 12, 2011

EagleEyes:Remote View of CCTV Surveillance Camera using Mobile phones and Laptops

We discussed on our past post about dvr network configuration, that you were be able to view your cctv surveillance camera on your mobile phones, though we did not include the software you have to use. Here, we will show you how to install and configure EagleEyes. Takenote that this are applicable for some dvr's. But first, you should create an account.
Now, if you already have an account, go to AVtech EagleEyes site again.
  1. Click on Software.(Leftside of your screen)
  2. Under that, choose your mobile OS.(e.g. if your using iphone choose iphone and/or choose android if you are using Android OS, Ipad for Ipads, Blackberry for Blackberry phones, Symbian for Nokia Phones, Win Mobile for Phones that uses Windows Mobile, Video Viewer for Windows laptop or MacBooks and more.)
  3. On the center, click Download. if you're not logged in, they will look for your id and password. so just enter them.
  4. After downloading, install the program and just follow what are configuration instructions for each softwares.

    Here is the complete instruction in installation and configuration of here.

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