We dont want to see our computers not booting in windows, do we? and we dont want to lose our files either.It is really frustrating that your trying to access your files but the thing is you cannot open them. The saddest part is that you cant open your drives too. how is that happen?
Well, there are lot of factors that can cause a hard drive to fail and they are almost all preventable if you know how to take good care of your hard drive and your computer as well. Anyway, probably the biggest cause of hard drive failure could be the Bad Sector. A bad sector is a sector on a computer's disk drive or flash memory that cannot be used due to permanent damage (or an OS inability to successfully access it), such as physical damage to the disk surface or failed flash memory transistors. It is usually detected by a disk utility software such as CHKDSK or SCANDISK on Microsoft systems, or badblocks on Unix-like systems. When found, these programs may mark the sectors unusable (all file systems contain provision for bad-sector marks) and the operating system skips them in the future.(wikipedia)
Good thing there is HBCD, we've been using this tool and so far, it does not disappoint us. HDD Regenerator is a unique program in hbcd for regeneration of physically damaged hard disk drives. It does not hide bad sectors, it really restores them. It can repair damaged hard disks without affecting or changing existing data. As a result, previously unreadable files and drives are recovered.